Welcome To SISTERS

We are a special needs agency that helps people reach their full potential


No two people are the same. That’s why we create custom plans that are catered to each person’s personal interests.


Inspiration can be found around every corner. Our members create an atmosphere that encourages growth and productivity.


With great support, there’s no limit on success. Our agency will always be there to push people forward and find new passions.

Our Story


The story starts with a realization made by Kristen Anderson. Kristen had grown up with a developmentally challenged sister. Her name is Dayna, and she always knew how to make everybody smile. Throughout the years, Kristen and her sister, Lori, became more and more involved with Dayna’s care. They discovered that they wanted more options when it came to the care of their sister. Kristen envisioned programs that people were excited to go to every day. She saw programs where people felt more like family instead of guests at a facility.

Working for DDS in a residential setting for over 25 years, Kristen decided that she was going to be the change that she envisioned. Kristen set out to create the agency that would revolutionize the way that people viewed developmental services. With the help of her sister, SISTERS LLC was officially launched in 2010. To this day, SISTERS LLC has been a leading example for other agencies and continues to modernize the system for developmental services. Dayna has been a proud member of SISTERS since day one.

The Mission

People with intellectual disabilities and their families should have choices in the care and supports that they receive. We are committed to helping families, like our own, create programs that are designed specifically for each individual’s needs, with assistance from staff who feel more like family than just employees.

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At SISTERS, we go the extra mile to help people achieve their goals
– Kristen Anderson